PAWSOON Children's Balance Bike without pedals
PAWSOON Children's Balance Bike without pedals
The Bike Without Pedals for Your Little OneFeatures: Light and Comfortable: With a weight of only 3.64 kg, this bike is easy to handle and comfortable for your little one. EVA Foam Wheels 12: Ensures a smooth and noiseless ride on various surfaces .Adjustable Handlebar: Can be adjusted up to 6 cm to perfectly suit your little one's height needs.Adjustable Saddle: Can be adjusted up to 7 cm to provide optimal comfort during rides.Rubber Handlebar Grips: With a 9.5 cm long, provides a secure and comfortable grip for your little one's hands.Suitable for Child Height: Recommended for children between 80 and 120 cm tall.Maximum Child Weight: Supports a maximum weight of 30 kg, ensuring the use long bike life.Pawsoon Brand: A trusted brand in the children's equipment industry.Polymer Frame: Durable and strong, designed to withstand your child's wear and tear.Ergonomic Seat: Ensures optimal comfort for your little one during rides. p>